IASO Thessaly Hospital
INTRAKATServices provided:
Larissa, GreeceYear:
DeliveredD3 Construction Company carried out the foundationfoundation developmentdevelopment and construction of thethe monolithicmonolithic reinforcedreinforced concreteconcrete structuresstructures of the building, mixed with steel and finishing the façade, delivering a unique and excellent outcome for our client.
Construction of a 28,000 m2, 169-bed private general hospital in Larissa.
We worked with the INTRAKAT company on developing its new project for IASO Thessaly SA in Larissa, Greece. To ensure the hospital could remain fully functional throughout construction and avoid any disturbances to clinical activity, we worked closely with the main contractor to develop detailed construction plans that identified and resolved potential issues and challenges.

"Every project, either large or small, aims at the absolute satisfaction of the individual and his everyday needs and requirements through qualitative, resilient to time constructions that respect the environment.”
CEO, D3 Constructions - Sysylas Dimitrios
"We offer constructions at the best possible design solutions combined with excellent quality materials and the most modem construction techniques, thus creating an outstanding aesthetic result."
CEO, D3 Constructions - Sysylas Dimitrios
A significant expansion, providing additional capacity and purpose-built infrastructure to enable the implementation of contemporary models of care.
Building Surface
Reinforced Concrete (TBA)
Number of Storeys
Parking Lots